WAVEMETERSCalibrated resonant circuits that are used to measure frequency [16]. An instrument for
measuring the wavelength of an RF wave [18].
WAVE MOTIONA recurring disturbance advancing through space with or without the use of a physical
medium [10].
WAVE TRAINA continuous series of waves with the same amplitude and wavelength [10].
WAVE WINDINGAn armature winding in which the two ends of each coil are connected to commutator
segments separated by the distance between poles [5].
WEBER'S THEORYA theory of magnetism which assumes that all magnetic material is composed of
many tiny magnets. A piece of magnetic material that is magnetized has all of the tiny magnets aligned
so that the north pole of each magnet points in one direction [1].
WHEATSTONE BRIDGEAn ac bridge circuit used to measure unknown values of resistance,
inductance, or capacitance [16].
WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIERAn amplifier designed to pass an extremely wide band of frequencies, such
as a video amplifier [8].
WIREAn insulated conductor, with low resistance to current flow, that is either solid or stranded [1] [4].
WIRING DIAGRAMA diagram that shows the connections of an equipment or its component devices or
parts. It may cover internal or external connections, or both, and contains such detail as is needed to
make or trace connections that are involved [4].
WOBBLE FREQUENCYThe frequency at which an electron wobbles on its axis under the influence of
an external magnetic field of a given strength [11].
WORDS-PER-MINUTEAn approximate rate of speed. It means the number of five letter words with a
space between them that can be transmitted or received in a one-minute period [17].
WORKThe product of force and motion [1].
WORKING VOLTAGEThe maximum voltage that a capacitor may operate at without the risk of
damage [2].
WYE (Y)A 3-phase connection in which one end of each phase winding is connected to a common point.
Each free end is connected to a separate phase wire. The diagram of this connection often resembles the
letter Y [5].
X-AXISIn a gyro, the spin axis of the gyro [15].
X-RAY EMISSIONPenetrating radiation similar to light, but with shorter wavelength, that can penetrate
human tissue [18].
YAGI ANTENNAA multielement parasitic array. The elements lie in the same plane as those of the end-
fire array [10].
Y-AXISIn a gyro, an axis through the center of gravity and perpendicular to the spin axis [15].