VERTICAL DEFLECTION PLATESA pair of parallel electrodes in a CRT that moves the electron
beam up and down [6].
VERTICAL PATTERNThe part of a radiation pattern that is radiated in the vertical plane [10].
VERTICAL PLANEAn imaginary plane that is perpendicular to the horizontal plane [11] [18].
VERTICALLY POLARIZEDWaves that are radiated with the E field component perpendicular to the
earth's surface [10].
VERY HIGH FREQUENCYThe band of frequencies from 30 megahertz to 300 megahertz [17].
VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (vlsi)An integrated circuit containing over 2,000 logic gates
or 64,000 bits of memory [14].
VERY LOW FREQUENCYThe band of frequencies from 3 kilohertz to 30 kilohertz [17].
VIDEO AMPLIFIERAn amplifier designed to amplify the entire band of frequencies from 10 hertz (10
Hz) to 6 megahertz (6 MHz). Also called a WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER [8].
VINCULAPlural of vinculum (see below) [13].
VINCULUMA straight horizontal line placed over one or more members of a compound logic expression
to negate or complement. Also, used to join two or more members together [13].
VIRTUAL GROUNDA point in a circuit that is at ground potential (0 V) but is not connected to ground
VOLTThe unit of electromotive force or electrical pressure. One volt is the pressure required to send 1
ampere of current through a resistance of 1 ohm [1].
VOLTAGE(1) The term used to signify electrical pressure. Voltage is a force that causes current to flow
through an electrical conductor. (2) The voltage of a circuit is the greatest effective difference of
potential between any two conductors of the circuit [1].
VOLTAGE AMPLIFIERAn amplifier in which the output-signal voltage is greater than the input-signal
voltage [8].
VOLTAGE-DIODE DETECTORA series-diode detector in which the diode is in series with the input
voltage and the load impedance [12].
VOLTAGE DIVIDERA series network in which desired portions of the source voltage may be tapped
off for use in the circuit [1].
VOLTAGE DROPThe difference in voltage between two points. It is the result of the loss of electrical
pressure as a current flows through a resistance [1] [4].
VOLTAGE GAINThe ratio of output voltage to input voltage in an amplifier [6].
VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERSMethods of increasing voltages; used primarily where low current is
required [7].