VOLTAGE REGULATIONA measure of the ability of a generator or power supply to maintain a
constant output voltage from no-load to full-load operation. Expressed as a percentage of full-load
voltage; the better the regulation, the lower the percent [5].
VOLTAGE STANDING WAVE RATIO (VSWR)In a waveguide, the ratio of the electric field
(voltage) at a maximum point to that of an adjacent minimum point [10] [18].
VOLTMETERA meter used to measure voltage [3] [16].
WAFERA slice of semiconductor material upon which monolithic ICs are produced [14].
WAFER SWITCHA rotary switch in which the contacts are arranged on levels. Each level (wafer) is
electrically independent but mechanically connected by the shaft of the switch [3].
WATTThe unit of electrical power that is the product of voltage and current [16].
WATTAGE RATINGA rating expressing the maximum power that a device can safely handle [1].
WATT-HOURA practical unit of electrical energy equal to one watt of power for one hour [1].
WATT-HOUR METERA meter used to measure electrical energy [3].
WATTMETERA meter used to measure electrical power [3] [16].
WAVEFORMThe shape of the wave obtained when instantaneous values of an ac quantity are plotted
against time in rectangular coordinates [2].
WAVEFORM ANALYSISObservation displays of voltage and current variations with respect to time or
by harmonic analysis of complex signals [16].
WAVEFRONTA small section of an expanding sphere of electromagnetic radiation that is perpendicular
to the direction of travel of the energy [10].
WAVEGUIDEA rectangular, circular, or elliptical metal pipe designed to transport electromagnetic
waves through its interior [10] [11].
WAVEGUIDE DUPLEXERTR and atr tubes housed in a resonant cavity attached to a waveguide
WAVEGUIDE MODE OF OPERATIONAny particular field configuration in a waveguide that
satisfies the boundary conditions. Usually divided into two broad types: the transverse electric (TE) and
the transverse magnetic (TM) modes [11].
WAVEGUIDE POSTA rod of conductive material used as impedance changing devices in waveguides
WAVEGUIDE SCREWA screw that projects into a waveguide for the purpose of changing the
impedance [11].
WAVELENGTHThe distance, usually expressed in meters, traveled by a wave during the time interval
of one complete cycle. It is equal to the velocity divided by the frequency [2] [10] [12].