TRANSLATIONIn a gyro, a force acting through the center of gravity of the gyro that causes no torque
on the gyro rotor. Translation forces do not change the angle of the plane of rotation but move the
gyroscope as a unit [15].
TRANSLUCENTThose substances, such as frosted glass, through which some light rays can pass but
through which objects cannot be seen clearly [10].
TRANSMISSION LINEA device designed to guide electrical or electromagnetic energy from one point
to another [10].
TRANSMISSION MEDIUMA means of transferring intelligence from point to point; includes light,
smoke, sound, wire lines, and radio-frequency waves [10] [12].
TRANSMIT-RECEIVE TUBE (TR)A gas-filled RF switch that is used as a duplexer [18].
TRANSMITTEREquipment that generates and amplifies an RF carrier, modulates the RF carrier with
intelligence, and radiates the signal into space [17] [18].
TRANSMITTER DISTRIBUTORA device that reads Baudot code from paper tape and allows a
message to be printed on a page printer [17].
output of a transmitter [18].
TRANSMITTER TRANSFER SWITCHBOARDEquipment that selectively transfers remote station
functions and signals to transmitters [17].
TRANSMITTING ANTENNAThe device used to send the transmitted signal energy into space [10].
TRANSPARENTThose substances, such as glass, that pass almost all of the light waves falling upon
them [10].
TRANSVERSE ELECTRIC MODEA waveguide mode in which the entire electric field is
perpendicular to the wide dimension and the magnetic field is parallel to the length. Also called the TE
mode [11].
TRANSVERSE MAGNETIC MODEA waveguide mode in which the entire magnetic field is
perpendicular to the wide dimension and some portion of the electric field is parallel to the length. Also
called the TM mode [11].
TRANSVERSE WAVE MOTIONThe up and down motion of a wave as the wave moves outward [10].
TRAVERSE (BEARING) SIGNALIn a monopulse radar system, the combination of individual lobe
signals that represents target-offset direction and amplitude from the antenna axis [18].
TREMENDOUSLY HIGH FREQUENCYThe band of frequencies from 300 gigahertz to 3,000
TRIACA three-terminal device that is similar to two SCRs back to back with a common gate and
common terminals. Although similar in construction and operation to the SCR, the triac controls and
conducts current flow during both alternations of an ac cycle [7].