TRIATICA special type of monopole antenna array [17].
TRIGGERA short pulse, either positive or negative, that can be used to cause an electronic function to
take place [9].
TRIGGER PULSESIn radar, pulses that are used to initiate specific events [18].
TRIODE TUBEA three-electrode electron tube containing a plate, a cathode, and a control grid [6].
TRIP-ELEMENTThe part of a circuit breaker that senses any overload condition and causes the circuit
breaker to open the circuit [3].
TRIP-FREE CIRCUIT BREAKERA circuit breaker that will open a circuit even if the operating
mechanism is held in the ON position [3].
TRIVALENT IMPURITYAcceptor impurities containing only three valence electrons [7].
TROPOSPHEREThe portion of the atmosphere, closest to the earth's surface, where all weather
phenomena take place [10].
TROPOSPHERIC SCATTERThe propagation of radio waves in the troposphere by means of scatter
TROUBLE INDICATORSSignal lights used to aid maintenance personnel in locating troubles quickly
TROUBLESHOOTINGThe process of locating and diagnosing faults in equipment by means of
systematic checking or analysis [3] [15] [16].
TROUBLE TABLESTables of trouble symptoms and probable causes, furnished by many manufacturers
to help technicians isolate problems [15].
TROUGH (BOTTOM)The peak of the negative alternation (maximum value below the line) of a sine
wave [10].
TRUE BEARINGAngle between a target and true north measured clockwise in the horizontal plane [18].
TRUE NORTHGeographic north [18].
TRUE POWERThe power dissipated in the resistance of the circuit, or the power actually used in the
circuit [2].
TRUNCATED PARABOLOIDA paraboloid reflector that has been cut away at the top and bottom to
increase beam width in the vertical plane [18].
TRUTH TABLEA table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input
values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values [13].
TUBE DYNAMIC CONDITIONRefers to the testing condition in which a vacuum tube is actually
performing its function [16].
TUBE STATIC CONDITIONRefers to the testing condition in which a tube has certain voltages applied
but is not in its normal operating condition [16].