TAPPED RESISTORA wire-wound, fixed resistor having one or more additional terminals along its
length, generally for voltage-divider applications [1].
TARGETIn radar, a specific object of radar search or detection [18].
TARGET RESOLUTIONThe ability of a radar to distinguish between two or more targets that are close
to each other [18].
TELECOMMUNICATIONSThe transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings,
images, or sounds. This is done by visual, oral, wire, radio, or other means [17].
TELETYPEWRITERA machine that can transmit and/or receive letters, numbers, or symbols. It may
have a keyboard similar to a typewriter [17].
TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTThe amount of change of resistance in a material per unit change in
temperature [1] [4].
TEMPERATURE INVERSIONThe condition in which warm air is formed above a layer of cool air that
is near the earth's surface [10].
TEMPESTA term normally used to describe compromising emanations. These emanations are
unintentionally radiated signals that could disclose classified information [17].
TENSILE STRENGTHThe greatest stress a substance can withstand along its length without tearing
apart [4].
TERMINALAn electrical connection [1] [4].
TERMINAL BOARDAlso called a terminal strip. An insulating base or slab equipped with terminals for
connecting wiring [4].
TERMINAL DIAGRAMA diagram of a switch, relay, terminal board, or other component showing the
connections to the equipment [4].
TERMINAL LUGA device attached to a conductor to permit connection to a terminal [4].
TEST EQUIPMENTA general term applied to devices used to test electrical and electronic circuits [3].
TEST EQUIPMENT INDEXThe Navy guide used to assist in identifying portable electrical/ electronic
test equipment required for support of prime electrical/electronic, IC, weapons, and reactor
instrumentation systems [16].
TEST POINTSLocations in equipment that are accessible to the technician's test probes where operating
voltages or signals can be monitored [16].
TETRODE TUBEA four-electrode electron tube containing a plate, a cathode, a control grid, and a
screen grid [6].
THERMAL INERTIAThe capacity of a soldering iron to generate and maintain a satisfactory soldering
temperature while giving up heat to the material being soldered [4].
THERMAL-MAGNETIC TRIP ELEMENTA single circuit breaker trip element that combines the
action of a thermal and a magnetic trip element [3].