KEEP-ALIVE VOLTAGEDC voltage applied to a tr gap electrode to produce a glow discharge that
allows the tube to ionize faster when the transmitter fires [18].
KEY-CLICK FILTERSFilters used in keying systems to prevent key-click interference [12].
KEY CLICKSInterference in the form of "clicks" or "thumps" caused by the sudden application or
removal of power [12].
KEYED-OSCILLATOR TRANSMITTERA transmitter in which one stage is used to produce the RF
pulse [18].
KEYER(1) A device that changes dc pulses to mark and space modulation for teletypewriter
transmissions [17]. (2) A synchronizer [18].
KEYING RELAYSRelays used in radio transmitters where the ordinary hand key cannot accommodate
the plate current without excessive arcing [12].
KILOA prefix meaning one thousand [1].
KINETIC ENERGYEnergy that a body possesses by virtue of its motion [1].
KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS(1) The algebraic sum of the current flowing toward any point in a circuit and
the current flowing away from it is zero. (2) The algebraic sum of the products of the current and
resistance in each of the conductors in any closed path in a network is equal to the algebraic sum of the
electromotive forces in the path [1].
KLYSTRON POWER AMPLIFIERA multicavity microwave electron tube that uses velocity
modulation [18].
KNEE OF THE CURVEThe point of maximum curvature of a magnetization curve. (Shaped like the
knee of a leg that is bent.) [8]
LACING SHUTTLEA device upon which lacing may be wound to prevent fouling the tape or cord and
to aid the lacing process. (Usually made from brass, aluminum, fiber, or plastic) [4].
LAGThe amount one wave is behind another in time; expressed in electrical degrees [2].
LAMINATED COREA core built up from thin sheets of metal insulated from each other and used in
transformers [2].
LANDSConductors or runs on pcbs [14].
LAP WINDINGAn armature winding in which opposite ends of each coil are connected to adjoining
segments of the commutator so that the windings overlap [5].
LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (lsi)An integrated circuit containing 1,000 to 2,000 logic gates or up
to 64,000 bits of memory [14].
LASERAn acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation [17].
LAW OF MAGNETISMLike poles repel; unlike poles attract [1].
LC CAPACITOR-INPUT FILTERThis is the most common type of filter. It is used in a power supply
where output current is low and load current is relatively constant [7].