INDUCED CHARGEAn electrostatic charge produced on an object by the electric field that surrounds a
nearby object [1].
INDUCED CURRENTCurrent caused by the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field
INDUCED ELECTROMOTIVE FORCEThe electromotive force induced in a conductor because of
the relative motion between the conductor and a magnetic field [1].
INDUCTANCEThe property of a circuit that tends to oppose a change in the existing current flow. The
symbol for inductance is L [2] [7].
INDUCTANCE BRIDGEAn ac bridge circuit used to measure an unknown value of inductance [16].
INDUCTIONThe act or process of producing voltage and current by the relative motion of a magnetic
field across a conductor [1].
INDUCTION FIELDThe electromagnetic field that is produced about an antenna when current and
voltage are present on the same antenna [10].
INDUCTION LOSSESThe losses that occur when the electromagnetic field around a conductor cuts
through nearby metallic objects and induces a current into that object [10].
INDUCTION MOTORA simple, rugged, ac motor with desirable characteristics. The rotor is energized
by transformer action (induction) from the stator. Induction motors are used more than any other type
INDUCTIVE COUPLINGCoupling of two coils by means of magnetic lines of force. In transformers,
coupling applied through magnetic lines of force between the primary and secondary windings [2].
INDUCTIVE REACTANCEThe opposition to the flow of an alternating current caused by the
inductance of a circuit, expressed in ohms. Identified by the symbol X
[2] [9].
INERTIAThe physical tendency of a body in motion to remain in motion and a body at rest to remain at
rest unless acted upon by an outside force (Newton's First Law of Motion) [15].
INFINITE(1) Extending indefinitely, endless. (2) Boundless, having no limits. (3) An incalculable
number [1].
INFRALOW FREQUENCYThe band of frequencies from 300 Hz to 3,000 Hz [19].
INFRASONIC (SUBSONIC)Sounds below 15 Hz [10].
IN PHASEApplied to the condition that exists when two waves of the same frequency pass through their
maximum and minimum values of like polarity at the same instant [2].
INPUTThe current, voltage, power, or driving force applied to a circuit or device [13].
INPUT ENDThe end of a two-wire transmission line that is connected to a source [10].
INPUT IMPEDANCEImpedance presented to the transmitter by the transmission line and its load [10].
INPUT/OUTPUTPertaining to either input or output or both, especially in data processors [13].