GROUND RANGEThe distance on the surface of the earth between a radar and its target. Equal to slant
range only if both radar and target are at the same altitude [18].
GROUND REFLECTION LOSSThe loss of RF energy each time a radio wave is reflected from the
earth's surface [10].
GROUND SCREENA series of conductors buried below the surface of the earth and arranged in a radial
pattern. Used to reduce losses in the ground [10].
GROUND WAVESRadio waves which travel near the surface of the earth [10].
GROUPA collection of units, assemblies, subassemblies, and parts. It is a subdivision of a set or system
but is not capable of performing a complete operational function [17].
GROUP VELOCITYThe forward progress velocity of a wave front in a waveguide [11].
GROWN JUNCTIONA method of mixing P-type and N-type impurities into a single crystal while the
crystal is being grown [7].
GUIDANCE RADARA system which provides information that is used to guide a missile to a target
GYROAbbreviation for gyroscope [15].
GYROSCOPEA mechanical device containing a spinning mass mounted so that it can assume any
position in space [15].
HALF-POWER POINTA point on a waveform or radar beam that corresponds to half the power of the
maximum power point [8] [9] [18].
HALF-WAVE DIPOLE ANTENNAAn antenna, consisting of two rods (1/4 wavelength each) in a
single line, that radiates electromagnetic energy [10].
HALF-WAVE RECTIFIERA rectifier using only one-half of each cycle to change ac to pulsating dc
[61 [7].
HALF-WAVE VOLTAGE DOUBLERTwo half-wave voltage rectifiers connected to double the input
voltage [7].
HAND OVERThe operation where one earth terminal yields control to another as a satellite moves out of
its area of coverage [17].
HARD-TUBE MODULATORA high-vacuum electron tube modulator that uses a driver for pulse
forming [18].
HARMONICA frequency that is a whole-number multiple of a smaller base frequency [9] [10] [12] [17].
HEAT SHUNTA device (preferably a clip-on type) used to absorb heat and protect heat-sensitive
components during soldering [4].
HEIGHT-FINDING RADARA radar that provides target altitude, range, and bearing data [18].