capability, without modification, to generate, modify, or measure a range of electronic functions
required to test several equipments or systems of basically different designs [14] [16].
GENERATORA machine that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by applying the principle
of magnetic induction. A machine that produces ac or dc voltage, depending on the original design [5].
GERMANIUMA grayish-white metal having semiconductor properties [7].
GETTERAn alkali metal introduced into a vacuum tube during manufacture. It is fired after the tube has
been evacuated to react chemically with (and eliminate) any remaining gases [6].
GIMBALA mechanical frame, with two perpendicular intersecting axes of rotation, used to support and
furnish a gyro wheel with the necessary freedom to tilt in any direction [15].
GLOW DISCHARGEDischarge of electricity through a gas in an electron tube [18].
GRAMME-RING ARMATUREAn inefficient type of armature winding in which many of the turns are
shielded from the field by its own iron ring [5].
GRAPHA pictorial presentation of the relation between two or more variable quantities, such as between
an applied voltage and the current it produces in a circuit [1].
GRID BIASA constant fixed potential applied between the grid and the cathode of a vacuum tube to
establish an operating point [6].
GRID CURRENTThe current that flows in the grid-to-cathode circuit of a vacuum tube [6].
GRID-GAP TUNINGA method of changing the center frequency of a resonant cavity by physically
changing the distance between the cavity grids [11].
GRID-LEAK BIASA self-bias provided by a high resistance connected across the grid capacitor or
between the grid and cathode [6].
GROUND(1) The point in a circuit used as a common reference point for measuring purposes. (2) To
connect some point of an electrical circuit or some item of electrical equipment to earth or to the
conducting medium used in lieu thereof [13].
GROUND CLUTTERUnwanted echoes, from surrounding land masses, that appear on a radar indicator
GROUND-CONTROLLED APPROACHA radar system used to guide aircraft to safe landings in poor
visibility conditions [18].
GROUND PLANEThe portion of a ground-plane antenna that acts as ground [10].
GROUND-PLANE ANTENNAA type of antenna that uses a ground plane as a simulated ground to
produce low-angle radiation [10].
GROUND PLANESCopper planes used to minimize interference between circuits and from external
sources [14].
GROUND POTENTIALZero potential with respect to the ground or earth [1].