LINE-PULSING MODULATORCircuit that stores energy and forms pulses in the same circuit element,
usually the pulse-forming network (pfn) [18].
LIN-LOG AMPLIFIERAn amplifier in which the response is linear for weak signals and logarithmic for
large signals [18].
LIQUIDOne of the three states of matter. It has a definite volume but no definite form (water is a liquid)
LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMSource of cooling for high-heat producing equipments, such as
microwave components, radar repeaters, and transmitters [18].
LISSAJOUS PATTERNA combined, simultaneous display of the amplitude and phase relationships of
two input signals on a CRT [17].
LOAD(1) A device through which an electric current flows and which changes electrical energy into
another form. (2) Power consumed by a device or circuit in performing its function [1] [13].
LOADING EFFECTThe effect of a voltmeter upon the circuit being measured that results in an
inaccurate measurement. Loading effect is minimized by using a voltmeter with an internal resistance
many times higher than the resistance of the circuit being measured [3].
LOAD ISOLATORA passive attenuator in which the loss in one direction is much greater than that in
the opposite direction. One example is a ferrite isolator for waveguides that allows energy to travel in
only one direction [11].
LOBEAn area of greater signal strength in the transmission pattern of an antenna [10] [18].
LOCAL ACTIONA continuation of current flow within a battery cell when there is no external load.
Caused by impurities in the electrode [1].
LOGARITHMIC RECEIVERReceiver that uses a linear logarithmic amplifier (lin-log) instead of a
normal linear amplifier [18].
LOGICThe basic principles and applications of truth tables, interconnections of off-on circuit elements,
and other factors involved in mathematical computation in automatic data processing systems and other
devices [13].
LOGIC CIRCUITThe primary control information processor in digital equipment; made up of electronic
gates and so named because their operation is described by simple equations of a specialized logic
algebra [13].
LOGIC DIAGRAMIn computers and data processing equipment, a diagram representing the logical
elements and their interconnections without necessarily expressing construction or engineering details
LOGIC ELEMENTThe smallest building blocks that can be represented by operators in an appropriate
system of symbolic logic. Typical logic elements are the AND-gate and the flip-flop, which can be
represented as operators in a suitable symbolic logic. Also a device that performs the logic function