AI-1APPENDIX IGLOSSARYABSORPTION WAVEMETER—A device used for measuring frequency, consisting of a tunedcircuit or cavity that is loosely coupled to the frequency being measured. Maximum energyis absorbed at the resonant frequency.BOLOMETER—An rf detector that converts rf power to heat, which causes a change in theresistance of the material used in the detector. This change in resistance varies in proportionwith the amount of applied power and is used to measure the amount of applied power.CALORIMETER—A device that measures rf power by measuring the heat the rf powergenerates.CAVITY WAVEMETER—An instrument used to measure microwave frequencies. Theresonant frequency of the cavity is determined by its inside dimensions.COAXIAL-LINE WAVEMETERS—A shorted section of a coaxial line used to measure rffrequencies. It is calibrated in either wavelength or frequency.CROSS MODULATION—An intermodulation condition that occurs when a carrier ismodulated by an undesired signal.CURRENT PROBE—An inductive device used for measuring the current in a conductor.Probes are designed to be clamped around the insulated conductor.CURRENT TRACER—An inductively coupled device used for tracing current paths todetermine the cause of low-impedance faults on a printed-circuit board.DECADE RESISTOR (DECADE RESISTANCE BOX)—It typically has two or moresections, each containing 10 precision resistors wired to selector switches. A piece of testequipment that provides a ready source of various resistances for engineering andmeasurement applications.DECIBEL (dB)—A standard unit for expressing relativepower levels as the ratio of power outto power in.dBm—A unit used to express power levels above or below a l-milliwatt reference level at adesignated load impedance (usually 600 ohms).DIFFERENTIAL VOLTMETER—A precision voltmeter that measures an unknown voltageby comparing it to a precision internal-reference voltage supply.ELECTROSTATIC-DISCHARGE SENSITIVE (ESDS) DEVICE—Electronic componentsthat are susceptible to damage from static charges.FIBER OPTICS—Conductors that are usually constructed of plastic or glass fibers that readilypass light. Used primarily for transmission of high-speed data over relatively short distances.
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