specifically designed to generate, modify, or measure a range of electronic functions of a specific or
peculiar nature on a single system or equipment.
STROBOSCOPEAn instrument that allows viewing of rotating or reciprocating objects by producing
the optical effect of a slowing down or stopping motion.
SYMPTOM ELABORATIONUsing built-in indicating instruments or other aids to define an
equipment malfunction.
SYMPTOM RECOGNITIONRecognition of a situation in equipment operation that is not normal.
TACHOMETERAn instrument that measures the rate at which a shaft is turning.
TEST EQUIPMENT INDEXThe Navy guide used to assist in identifying portable
electrical/electronic test equipment required for support of prime electrical/electronic, IC, weapons,
and reactor instrumentation systems.
TEST POINTSLocations in equipment that are accessible to the technician's probes where operating
voltages or signals can be monitored.
THERMISTORA type of bolometer characterized by a decrease in resistance as the dissipated power
TROUBLESHOOTINGA procedure used to evaluate equipment performance and repair equipment
when it fails to operate properly.
TUNED CIRCUITA circuit that is used as a filter which passes or rejects specific frequencies.
VOLTMETERA meter that is used to measure voltage.
WATTThe unit of electrical power that is the product of voltage and current.
WATTMETERAn electrodynamometer type meter used to measure electrical power.
WAVEFORM ANALYSISObservation of displays of voltage and current variations with respect to
time or by harmonic analysis of complex signals.
WAVEMETERCalibrated resonant circuits that are used to measure frequency.
WHEATSTONE BRIDGEAn ac bridge circuit used to measure unknown values of resistance,
inductance, or capacitance.