FORWARD RESISTANCEThe smaller resistance value observed when you are checking the forward
resistance of a semiconductor.
FREQUENCY METERAn instrument used to measure the rate at which ac voltages are generated.
GALVANOMETERA meter used to measure small values of current by electromagnetic or
electrodynamic means.
capability, without modification, to generate, modify, or measure a range of electronic functions
required to test two or more equipments or systems of basically different designs.
INDUCTANCE BRIDGEAn ac bridge circuit used to measure an unknown value of inductance.
MAINTENANCEWork done to correct, reduce, or counteract wear, failure, and damage to equipment.
MEASURE (Metrology Automated System for Uniform Recall and Reporting)A Navy
standardized system designed to provide the recall, scheduling, and documenting of test equipment
into calibration facilities.
MECHANICAL-ROTATION FREQUENCYThe speed in revolutions per minute of armatures in
electric motors and engine-driven generators; blade speed in turbines.
MEGGERA meter used to measure insulation resistance.
METER MOVEMENTThe part of the meter that moves to indicate some electrical value.
METER SHUNTA resistor placed in parallel with the meter terminals; used to provide increased
range capability.
OHMMETERA meter used to measure resistance.
POWER FACTORAn indication of the various losses of a capacitor, such as current leakage and
dielectric absorption.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCEConsists of mechanical, electrical, and electronic checks; used to
determine whether or not equipment is operating properly.
SCAT CODESA four-digit subcategory code used to identify the functional measurement parameters
that can be satisfied by any one of many pieces of test equipment.
SELF-EXCITED METERA term used to describe meters that operate from their own power sources.
SENSITIVITY(1) For an ammeter, the amount of current that will cause full-scale deflection of the
meter. (2) For a voltmeter, the ratio of the voltmeter resistance divided by the full-scale reading of
the meter; expressed in ohms per volt.
SCLSIS (Ship Configuration and Logistics Support Information System)This encompasses the
automated data processing system and all practices and procedures used for identification and status
accounting of ship's configuration, logistics, technical data reviews, and equipment configuration
SHORT CIRCUITAn unintentional current path between two components in a circuit or between a
component and ground; usually caused by a circuit malfunction.