ABSORPTION WAVEMETERAn instrument used to measure audio frequencies.
AMMETERA meter used to measure current.
BACK RESISTANCEThe larger resistance value observed when you are checking the forward
resistance of a semiconductor.
BAND PASS FILTERA tuned circuit that passes only a specific frequency.
BAND REJECT FILTERA tuned circuit that does not pass a specified band of frequencies.
BARRETTERA type of bolometer characterized by an increase in resistance as the dissipated power
BEAT FREQUENCYThe difference between the oscillator frequency and the unknown audio
BELThe unit that expresses the logarithmic ratio between the input and output of any given
component, circuit, or system.
BOLOMETERA loading device that undergoes changes in resistance as changes in dissipated power
CAVITY WAVEMETERAn instrument used to measure microwave frequencies.
CONTINUITYAn uninterrupted, complete path for current flow.
CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCEUsed to isolate equipment failures. Includes replacement of
defective parts to return equipment to proper performance.
DAMPINGThe process of smoothing oscillations of the meter pointer.
DARSONVAL METER MOVEMENTThe permanent-magnet moving coil movement used in most
dBmAn abbreviation used to represent power levels above or below a 1-milliwatt reference.
DUMMY LOADA resistor used to replace the normal load, which is specifically designed to have low
reactance and possess the ability to dissipate required amounts of power.
ELECTRODYNOMETER METER MOVEMENTA meter movement using fixed field coils and a
moving coil; usually used in wattmeters.
EXTERNALLY EXCITED METERA term used to describe meters that get their power from the
circuit to which they are connected.