6 1-48. What determines the bandwidth of an AM wave? 1. The carrier frequency 2. The number of sideband frequencies 3. The lowest modulating frequency4. The highest modulating frequency1-49. If an 860-kilohertz AM signal is modulated by frequencies of 5 and 10 kilohertz, what is the bandwidth? 1. 5 kilohertz 2. 10 kilohertz 3. 15 kilohertz 4. 20 kilohertz 1-50. If a 1-megahertz signal is modulated by frequencies of 50 and 75 kilohertz, what is the resulting maximum frequency range? 1. 925,000 to 1,000,000 hertz 2. 925,000 to 1,075,000 hertz 3. 975,000 to 1,025,000 hertz 4. 1,000,000 to 1,075,000 hertz 1-51. If an rf carrier is 100 percent AM-modulated, what will be the rf output when the modulating signal is (a) at its negative peak and (b) at its positive peak? (a) 0 1. (b) 2 times the amplitude of the unmodulated carrier 2. (a) 0 (b) 1/2 the amplitude of the unmodulated carrier (a) 1/2 the amplitude of the unmodulated carrier 3. (b) 1/2 the amplitude of the unmodulated carrier (a) 1/2 the amplitude of the unmodulated carrier 4. (b) 2 times the amplitude of the unmodulated carrier 1-52. In an AM signal that is 100 percent modulated, what maximum voltage value is present in each sideband? 1. 1/4 the carrier voltage 2. 1/2 the carrier voltage 3. 3/4 the carrier voltage 4. Same as the carrier voltage 1-53. Overmodulation of an AM signal will have which, if any, of the following effects on the bandwidth? 1. It will increase 2. It will decrease 3. It will remain the same 1-54. In a carrier wave with a peak amplitude of 400 volts and a peak modulating voltage of 100 volts, what is the modulation factor? 1. 0.15 2. 0.25 3. 0.45 4. 0.55 1-55. The percent of modulation for a modulated carrier wave is figured using which of the following formulas? 1. 3. 2. 4. 1-56. Modulation produced in the plate circuit of the last radio stage of a system is known by what term? 1. Low-level modulation 2. High-level modulation 3. Final-amplifier modulation 4. Radio frequency modulation
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