1-57. Which, if any, of the following
advantages is a primary benefit of plate
1. It operates at low efficiency
2. It operates at low power levels
3. It operates with high efficiency
4. None of the above
1-58. A final rf power amplifier biased for
plate modulation operates in what class
of operation?
1. A
2. B
3. AB
4. C
1-59. Heterodyning action in a plate modulator
takes place in what circuit?
1. Grid
2. Plate
3. Screen
4. Cathode
1-60. A plate modulator produces a modulated
rf output by controlling which of the
following voltages?
1. Plate voltage
2. Cathode voltage
3. Grid-bias voltage
4. Grid-input voltage
1-61. To achieve 100-percent modulation in a
plate modulator, what maximum voltage
must the modulator tube be capable of
providing to the final power amplifier
1. Twice the fpa plate voltage
2. The same as the fpa plate voltage
3. Three times the fpa plate voltage
4. Half the fpa plate voltage
1-62. In a plate modulator, with no modulation,
how will the plate current of the final rf
amplifier appear on a scope?
1. A series of pulses at the carrier
2. A series of pulses at twice the carrier
3. A series of pulses at 1/4 the carrier
4. A series of pulses at 1/2 the carrier
1-63. In the collector-injection modulator, af
and rf are heterodyned by injecting the rf
into (a) what circuit and the af into
(b) what circuit?
1. (a) Base
(b) collector
2. (a) Base
(b) emitter
3. (a) Emitter
(b) collector
4. (a) Emitter
(b) base
1-64. Plate- and collector-injection modulators
are the most commonly used modulators
for which of the following reasons?
1. The rf amplifier stages can be
operated class C for linearity
2. The rf amplifier stages can be
operated class C for maximum
3. They require small amounts of audio
4. They require large amounts of audio
1-65. A control-grid modulator would be used
in which of the following situations?
1. In extremely high-power, wideband
equipment where high-level
modulation is difficult to achieve
2. In cases where the use of a minimum
of audio power is desired
3. In portable and mobile equipment to
reduce size and power requirements
4. Each of the above