1-19. With a sine-wave input, how will the
output compare to the input in (a) a linear
circuit and (b) a nonlinear circuit?
1. (a) Proportional
(b) proportional
2. (a) Proportional
(b) not proportional
3. (a) Not proportional
(b) not proportional
4. (a) Not proportional
(b) proportional
1-20. What effect, if any, does a nonlinear
device have on a sine wave?
1. It amplifies without distortion
2. It attenuates without distortion
3. It generates harmonic frequencies
4. None
1-21. For the heterodyning action to occur in a
circuit, (a) what number of frequencies
must be present and (b) to what type of
circuit must they be applied?
1. (a) Two
(b) linear
2. (a) Two
(b) nonlinear
3. (a) Three
(b) nonlinear
4. (a) Three
(b) linear
1-22. Spectrum analysis is used to view which
of the following characteristics of an rf
1. Phase
2. Bandwidth
3. Modulating wave
4. Modulation envelope
1-23. The method of rf communication that
uses either the presence or absence of a
carrier in a prearranged code is what type
of modulation?
1. Pulse modulation
2. Amplitude modulation
3. Continuous-wave modulation
4. Pulse-time modulation
1-24. What is the purpose of the key in a cw
1. It generates the rf oscillations
2. It heterodynes the rf oscillations
3. It controls the rf output
4. It amplifies the rf signal
1-25. To ensure frequency stability in a cw
transmitter, you should NOT key what
1. The mixer
2. The detector
3. The oscillator
4. The rf amplifier
1-26. When keying a high-power transmitter,
what component should you use to
reduce the shock hazard?
1. A coil
2. A relay
3. A resistor
4. A capacitor
1-27. Interference detected by a receiver is
often caused by the application and
removal of power in nearby transmitters.
This interference can be prevented by
using what type of circuit in such
1. Power filter
2. On-off filter
3. Key-click filter
4. Rf detector filter
1-28. Transmitter machine keying was
developed for which of the following
1. To increase the speed of
2. To make communications more
3. To reduce interference
4. Each of the above