Electrodynamic wattmeter, 3-13 to 3-15
Electron tubes, testing, 2-1 to 2-8
electron tube testers, 2-3 to 2-6
high-power hf amplifier tube tests, 2-6 to
substitution methods, 2-2 to 2-3
Electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS) care,
2-12 to 2-16
Fiber-optic testing, 2-37 to 2-43
automatic test equipment, 2-38 to 2-39
optical multimeter, 2-38
optical ohmmeter, 2-38
optical power meter, 2-38
optical time-domain reflectometer
(OTDR), 2-38
oscilloscope, 2-38
radiometer/photometer, 2-38
Field-effect transistor (FET) tests, 2-23 to
N-channel test, 2-25
P-channel test, 2-25
Flow calorimeters, 3-23 to 3-25
Frequency measurements, 3-26 to 3-32
Frequency modulation, 5-8
Frequency-domain display capabilities, 5-11
to 5-15
Glossary, AI-1 to AI-4
Hay bridge, 1-19, 3-7
High-power hf amplifier tube tests, 2-6 to 2-8
crossed-field amplifier, 2-8
klystron tube tests, 2-6 to 2-7
magnetron tube tests, 2-8
traveling-wave tube, 2-7 to 2-8
Impedance matching, 5-29 to 5-30
Impedance measurements, 3-1, 3-9 to 3-10
Inductance measurement, 1-18 to 1-22
Integrated circuit (IC) testing, 2-28 to 2-34
logic analyzer, 2-32
logic clips, 2-29
logic comparators, 2-29
logic probes, 2-30 to 2-31
logic pulsers, 2-31
Intermodulation, 4-11
distortion detection, 4-11
distortion measurements, 4-11
In-line wattmeters, 3-17
Iron-core, composite-coil, and torsion-head
wattmeters, 3-15
Kelvin bridge, to 3-6
Klystron tube tests, 2-6 to 2-7
Learning objectives, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1
Loss measurement, 4-8
Magnetron tube tests, 2-8
Maxwell bridge, 1-21, 3-7
Measurements, basic, 1-1 to 1-26
Measurements, modulation, 5-2 to 5-8
Mechanical rotation and vibration methods,
3-28 to 3-31
Meggers, 1-14
Mercury cells, 2-34
Milliammeter and neon-lamp methods, 4-3
Modulation display, types of, 5-5 to 5-6
Modulation measurements, 5-2 to 5-8, 5-15 to
amplitude modulation, 5-15 to 5-19
amplitude-modulation measurements, 5-2
to 5-5
frequency modulation, 5-8
single-sideband measurements, 5-6 to 5-8
VHF and UHF measurements, 5-5
MOSFET testing, 2-25 to 2-27