2-48. What unit of measure is used to express
the power level of a complex voice
1. Vu
2. dB
3. dBm
4. Watt
2-49. The function of a dB meter is described
in which of the following descriptions?
1. A current-measuring device
2. A user-calibrated constant current
3. An electronic voltmeter calibrated in
terms of dB
4. A frequency selective voltmeter
calibrated in terms of true power
2-50. Electrodynamic wattmeters are used to
measure which of the following types of
1. Ac power
2. Dc power
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Shf power in the 2-32 GHz frequency
2-51. An electrodynamic wattmeter can be
converted into an instrument for
measuring reactive power by which of
the following methods?
1. Installing a capacitor in series with
the input
2. Shunting the meter movement with a
0. 1 ufd capacitor
3. Replacing the resistor which is
normally in series with the voltage
coil with a large inductance
4. Shunting the input terminals with an
LC network adjusted to the resonant
frequency of the signal being
2-52. What precaution(s), if any, must be taken
when checking components with the
Huntron Tracker 2000?
1. Voltages must not exceed 5 V dc
2. Voltages must not exceed 5 V ac
3. Device to be tested must have all
power turned off and capacitors
4. None of the above
2-53. When you are testing components by
comparison, what is the most common
mode used on the Huntron Tracker?
1. Automatic
2. Pulse generator
3. Single sweep
4. Alternate
2-54. Why is it necessary to electrically isolate
a component while testing individual
components with the Huntron Tracker
1. A resistor in series may give you an
inaccurate signature
2. A diode in series may give you an
inaccurate signature
3. A resistor in parallel may give you an
inaccurate signature
4. All of the above