Radar, accuracyContinued
transmission methods, 1-25 to 1-30
continuous-wave, 1-25 to 1-27
frequency-modulation, 1-27
pulse-doppler, 1-29
pulse-modulation, 1-28 to 1-29
types, 1-33 to 1-39
airborne, 1-38
CCA and GCA, 1-38
missile guidance, 1-37
search, 1-33 to 1-35
track, 1-37
Radiation hazards, 4-22
Range, 1-3 to 1-6
Range gate, 3-11
Range height indicator (RHI), 3-3
Range marker, 3-11
Range resolution, 1-13
Range step, 3-13
Ranging circuits, 3-10 3-14
Receivers, 2-30 to 2-48, 4-9 to 4-12
bandwidth, 4-12
components, 2-33 to 2-39
logarithmic, 2-45 to 2-47
monopulse, 2-47 to 2-48
moving-target indicator (MTI), 2-42 to
sensitivity, 4-10 to 4-12
special circuits, 2-40 to 2-42
superheterodyne, 2-32 to 2-39
Recovery time, 1-5, 4-13 to 4-14
Reflex klystron, 2-33
Refraction, 1-17
Refractive index, 1-17
Relative bearing, 1-11
Resolution, 1-13 to 1-14
Resonance chamber, 4-5
Rf radiation hazards, 4-22
Ring time, 4-7 to 4-8
Safety, 4-22 to 4-24
Scanning, 1-20 to 1-25
Sea clutter, 2-42
Search radar, 1-12, 1-33 to 1-36
Second-sweep echoes, 1-6
Sensitivity time control (STC), 2-40
Slant range, 3-2
Spectrum analyzer, 4-2
Standing wave measurement, 4-14
Superheterodyne receiver, 2-32 to 2-39
Support systems, 4-14 to 4-21
Synchronizers, 2-1 to 2-6
Thyratron, 2-12
Timer, 2-1
TR tube, 2-21 to 2-26
Tracking radar, 1-37
Transmission methods, radar, 1-25 to 1-30
Transmitter frequency, 4-2 to 4-8
Transmitter power measurement, 4-8 to 4-9
Transmitters, 2-6 to 2-20
keyed-oscillator, 2-13 to 2-16
power amplifier, 2-16 to 2-20
Traverse signal, 1-24
Trigger generator, 2-1
Trigger pulses, 2-2
True bearing, 1-3, 1-11
Two-dimensional radar, 1-34
Vertical plane, 1-3
Video enhancement features, 2-39
Voltage standing wave ratio (vswr), 4-14
Wavefronts, 3-16
X-ray hazard, 4-23