Receiver fundamentals, 2-9 to 2-30
Receivers, 3-10
Reception, 2-10
Reference designations, 1-9 to 1-10
Reference list, AII-1 to AII-2
Reproduction, 2-10
Reverse agc, 2-22
Role of satellite communications, 4-15 to 4-19
Satellite acquisition and tracking, 4-13 to 4-15
Satellite characteristics, 4-6 to 4-9
Satellite commumcations, introduction to, 4-1
to 4-21
Satellite limitations, 4-16
Security, quality monitoring, and safety, 3-36
to 3-43
Selectivity, 2-10
Selection, 2-10
Semiduplex, 1-15
Sensitivity, 2-10
Set, 1-7
Shipboard communications systems quality
monitoring (QMCS), 3-38 to 3-43
Shipboard receive-only equipment systems,
Ship-to-ship, 2-9
Ship-to-shore, 1-14
Simplex, 1-15
Single-sideband, 2-14 to 2-16
Single-sideband transmitter, 2-7 to 2-9
Squelch, 2-23
Strategic, 1-15
Subassembly, 1-8
Subharmonic, 2-5
Superheterodyne receiver, 2-11 to 2-16
Suppressed carrier, 2-7
Suppression, 2-7
Switched networks, 1-16 to 1-17
System, 1-5 to 1-6
System introduction, 1-4 to 1-10
Systems, 5-1 to 5-13
Tactical, 1-15
Teletypewriter, 1-3
Teletypewriter and facsimile equipment, 3-15
to 3-34
Theory of operation, lasers, 5-17
Transfer switchboards, 3-3 to 3-4
Transmission security, 3-37
Transmit multicoupler, 3-14
Transmitter fundamentals, 2-3 to 2-9
Transmitters, 3-4 to 3-10
Triatic antenna, 5-4
Tropospheric scatter system, 5-9 to 5-10
Unit, 1-7
Very high frequency (vhf), 1-14
Very low frequency (vlf), 1-11