1-16. What system is used to provide for a
standardized recall and scheduling of test
equipment into calibration facilities?
1-17. The meter card is used to provide what
information concerning test equipment?
1. Changes
2. Additions
3. Deletions
4. All of the above
1-18. Which of the following actions would be
classified as preventive maintenance?
1. Purchasing a new piece of test
2. Isolating an equipment failure to the
component level
3. Aligning a servo assembly after a
4. Replacing a defective transistor
1-19. Which of the following actions would be
regarded as part of corrective
1. Routine lubrication of a radar pedestal
2. Mechanical inspection of a bearing
assembly in a motor housing
3. Alignment of a servo assembly after a
4. Cleaning a filter in accordance with a
maintenance requirement card
1-20. Troubleshooting electrical and electronic
equipment includes which of the
following actions?
1. Fault isolation
2. Equipment repair
3. Equipment performance evaluation
4. Each of the above
1-21. The initial operating conditions of newly
installed equipment are referred to as
1. alignment data
2. manufacturer's specifications
3. baseline operating characteristics
4. expected operation characteristics
1-22. When working on energized equipment,
you should follow which of the following
1. Work alone
2. Work with both hands
3. Insulate yourself from ground
4. Wear rubber gloves at all times
1-23. When measuring 300 volts or more, you
should first take what step?
1. Turn off equipment power
2. Ground all components capable of
retaining an electrical charge
3. Short-circuit all components capable
of retaining an electrical charge
4. Connect the meter leads to the points
to be measured
1-24. Which of the following insulating
materials is suitable for covering a
grounded metal work bench?
1. Dry insulating material that contains
no holes or conductors
2. Dry canvas that has holes in it
3. Dry phenolic material that has
conductors embedded in it
4. Damp plywood
1-25. Prior to working on a circuit, you use a
shorting probe discharge which of the
following types of components?
1. Capacitors only
2. Cathode-ray tubes only
3. Capacitors and cathode-ray tubes
4. Inductors