1-44. Power in an audio-frequency circuit is
stated in which of the following units?
1. Decibels (dB) only
2. Decibels referenced to 1 milliwatt
(dBm) only
3. Both dB and dBm
4. Volt units (Vu)
1-45. The bel is a unit of measurement used
with voltage, current, or power that
compares which of the following circuit
1. The input to the output
2. The output to a reference
3. The voltage to power
4. The current to power
1-46. What is the relationship between the
values of the bel and the decibel?
1. The bel is twice the decibel
2. The decibel is twice the bel
3. The bel is 1/10 the decibel
4. The decibel is 1/10 the bel
1-47. What is the corresponding increase in
dBm each time power is doubled?
1. +1 dB
2. +2 dB
3. +3 dB
4. +10 dB
1-48. A thermocouple ammeter is used to
measure which of the following
1. Rf current
2. Af current
3. Motor current
4. Generator current
1-49. A bolometer is a power meter that
measures power in certain frequency
ranges. Which of the following methods
is/are used by the bolometer to measure
power values?
1. A barretter detects increases in power
when its resistance increases
2. A thermistor detects increases in
power when its resistance decreases
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Power is measured directly