current-carrying ability of several 1/4! sections is greater than that of any one section, the resonant
frequency is unchanged. This occurs because the addition of inductance in parallel lowers the total
inductance, but the addition of capacitance in parallel increases the total capacitance by the same
proportion. Thus, the resonant frequency remains the same as it was for one section. The increase in the
number of current paths also decreases the total resistance and increases the Q of the resonant circuit.
Figure 1-59C shows an intermediate step in the development of the cavity. Figure 1-59D shows a
completed cylindrical resonant cavity with a diameter of 1/2! at the resonant frequency.
Figure 1-59A.Development of a cylindrical resonant cavity. QUARTER-WAVE SECTION EQUIVALENT TO
Figure 1-59B.Development of a cylindrical resonant cavity. QUARTER-WAVE LINES JOINED.