Symbols, electrical parameters of diodes, 1-13
Tetrode, 1-44
characteristics, 1-46
development of, 1-44
operation of basic circuit, 1-44
secondary emission, 1-46
Thermionic emission, 1-1
Edison effect, 1-3
Transconductance, tube constants, 1-38
Transformers, power supply, 3-3
Transit time, 1-38
Transit time, limitation of, uhf tubes, 2-9
Triode, 1-18
factors affecting the triode operation, 1-27
introduction to grid bias, 1-22
operation of the triode, 1-25
types of biasing, 1-30
Troubleshooting power supplies, 3-48
component problems, 3-50
testing, 3-48
Tube amplifiers, operating classifications of,
class A, 1-36
class AB, 1-37
class B, 1-37
Tube amplifiers, operating classifications of
class C, 1-38
Tube bases, diode tube, 1-10
Tube constants, 1-38
development of tetrode, 1-44
basic tetrode circuit, operations of, 1-44
interelectrode capacitance, 1-44
mu and transconductance, 1-38
tetrode characteristic, 1-46
transit time, 1-38
Tube sockets and pin numbering, diode tube,
Uhf tubes types, 2-11
acorn and doorknob tubes, 2-11
planar tubes, 2-11
Variable-mu tubes, 2-6
Voltage regulation, power supply, 3-34
VR tube regulator circuit, basic, 3-39
VR tubes connected in parallel, 3-43
VR tubes connected in series, 3-42