Gas triode, 2-15
Glossary, AI-1
Grid bias, introduction to, 1-22
Grid-leak biasing, 1-35
Interelectrode capacitance, 1-43
Introduction to electron tubes, 1-1
diode tube, 1-4
Edison effect, 1-3
pentode, 1-49
summary, 1-48
thermionic emission, 1-1
triode, 1-18
tube constants, 1-38
LC capacitor-input filter, 3-33
LC choke-input filter, 3-23
Load regulation, power supply, 3-35
Multi-unit and multi-electrode tubes, 2-1
Operation of the triode, 1-25
factors affecting triode operation, 1-27
overdriving the triode, 1-28
Peak current rating, 1-18
Peak inverse voltage rating, 1-18
Peak voltage rating, 1-18
Pentode, 1-47
Planar tubes, 2-11
Plate dissipation, 1-17
Plate voltage-plate current characteristic, 1-13
Plates, diode tube, 1-10
Power supplies, 3-1 to 3-53
basic power supply the, 3-2
component problems, 3-50
Power suppliesContinued
current regulation, 3-46
filters, 3-13
load regulation, 3-35
rectifiers, 3-3
regulators, 3-36
summary 3-53
transformers, 3-3
testing, 3-48
troubleshooting power supplies, 3-48
voltage regulation, 3-34
Practical rectifiers, 3-4
full-wave, 3-8
half-wave, 3-4
Rectifiers, power supplies, 3-3
bridge rectifier, 3-11
conventional full-wave, 3-7
practical full-wave, 3-8
practical half-wave, 3-4
Regulators, power supply, 3-36
basic VR tube regulator circuit, 3-39
electron tube voltage regulator, 3-44
series voltage, 3-37
shunt voltage, 3-38
VR tubes connected in parallel, 3-43
VR tubes connected in series, 3-42
Resistor-capacitor (RC) filter, 3-31
Series voltage regulator, 3-37
Shunt voltage regulator, 3-38
Special-purpose tubes, 2-1
beam power and power pentode tubes, 2-3
cathode-ray tube (crt), 2-18
cold-cathode tubes, 2-16
electron tube safety, 2-29
gas filled tubes, 2-15
multi-unit and multi-electrode tubes, 2-1
special uhf tubes, 2-9
summary, 2-33
summary of crts, 2-27
variable-mu tubes, 2-6