MULTIELEMENT PARASITIC ARRAYAn array that contains two or more parasitic elements and a
driven element [10].
MULTILOOP SERVOSYSTEMA servosystem that contains more than one servo loop; each loop is
designed to perform its own function [15].
MULTIMETERA single meter combining the functions of an ammeter, a voltmeter, and an ohmmeter
MULTIPATHThe multiple paths a radio wave may follow between transmitter and receiver [10].
MULTIPLICATION FACTORThe number of times an input frequency is multiplied [12].
MULTIPLEXINGA method for simultaneous transmission of two or more signals over a common
carrier wave [17].
MULTISPEED SYNCHRO SYSTEMSSystems that transmit data at different transmission speeds; for
example, dual-speed and tri-speed synchro systems [15].
MULTIUNIT TUBEAn electron tube containing two or more units within the same envelope. The
multiunit tube is capable of operating as a single-unit tube, or each unit can operate as a separate tube
MULTIVIBRATORA form of relaxation oscillator which comprises two stages that are coupled so that
the input of one is derived from the output of the other [9] [13].
MULTIVIBRATOR MODULATORAn astable multivibrator used to provide frequency modulation.
The modulating af voltage is inserted in series with the base return of the multivibrator transistors to
produce the frequency modulation [12].
MUTUAL FLUXThe total flux in the core of a transformer that is common to both the primary and
secondary windings. The flux links both windings [2].
MUTUAL INDUCTANCEA circuit property existing when the relative position of two inductors causes
the magnetic lines of force from one to link with the turns of the other. The symbol for mutual
inductance is M [2].
NANDA logic function of A and B that is true if either A or B is false [13].
NAND CIRCUITA combination of a NOT function and an AND function in a binary circuit that has two
or more inputs and one output. The output is logic 0 only if ALL inputs are logic 1; it is logic 1 if ANY
input is logic 0 [13].
NATURAL HORIZONThe line-of-sight horizon [10].
NAUTICAL MILEThe length of a minute of arc of a great circle of the earth (6,076 ft) [18].
NEAR SYNCHRONOUS ORBITAn orbit in which the satellite rotates close to but not exactly at the
same speed as the earth [17].