NEGATIONThe process of inverting the value of a function or variable [13].
NEGATIVE ALTERNATIONThat part of a sine wave that is below the reference level [2] [10] [12].
NEGATIVE CLAMPERA circuit that clamps the upper extremity of the output waveshape to a dc
potential of 0 volts [9].
NEGATIVE ELECTRODEA terminal or electrode having more electrons than normal. Electrons flow
out of the negative terminal of a voltage source [1].
NEGATIVE FEEDBACKFeedback in which the feedback signal is out of phase with the input signal.
NEGATIVE LOGICThe form of logic in which the more positive voltage level represents a logic 0,
FALSE, or LOW and the more negative voltage represents a logic 1, TRUE, or HIGH [13].
NEGATIVE-RESISTANCE ELEMENTA component having an operating region in which an increase
in the applied voltage increases the resistance and produces a proportional decrease in current.
Examples include tunnel diodes and silicon unijunction transistors [11].
NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTA characteristic of a semiconductor material, such as
silver sulfide, in which resistance to electrical current flow decreases as temperature increases [1] [4]
NETWORKA combination of electrical components. In a parallel circuit it is composed of two or more
branches [1].
NEUTRAL(1) In a normal condition, hence neither positive nor negative. A neutral object has a normal
number of electrons (the same number as protons) [1]. (2) The teletypewriter operation where current
flow represents a mark and no flow represents a space [17].
NEUTRALIZATIONThe process of counteracting or "neutralizing" the effects of interelectrode
capacitance [8].
NEWTON'S SECOND LAW OF MOTIONIf an unbalanced outside force acts on a body, the resulting
acceleration is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force, is in the direction of the force, and is
inversely proportional to the mass of the body [15].
NODEThe fixed minimum points of voltage or current on a standing wave or antenna [10].
NOISE(1) In reference to sound, an unwanted disturbance caused by spurious waves that originate from
man-made or natural sources [10]. (2) In radar, erratic or random deflection or intensity of the indicator
sweep that tends to mask small echo signals [18].
NOISE FIGUREThe ratio of output noise to input noise in a receiver [18].
NOISE LIMITERCircuit that clips the peaks of the noise spikes in a receiver [17].
NO-LOAD CONDITIONThe condition that exists when an electrical source or secondary of a
transformer is operated without an electrical load [2].