ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMProvides the necessary input power [18].
ELECTRICAL SYMBOLSGraphic symbols used to illustrate the various electrical or electronic
components of a circuit [4].
ELECTRICAL ZEROA standard synchro position, with a definite set of stator voltages, that is used as
the reference point for alignment of all synchro units [15].
ELECTRODEThe terminal at which electricity passes from one medium into another, such as in an
electrical cell where the current leaves or returns to the electrolyte [1].
ELECTRODYNAMIC METER MOVEMENTA meter movement using fixed field coils and a moving
coil; usually used in ammeters and wattmeters [3].
ELECTRODYNAMOMETERA meter using an electrodynamic movement to measure an electric
current [16].
ELECTROLYSISThe process of changing the chemical composition of a material by passing an electric
current through it [4] [11].
ELECTROLYTEA solution of a substance that is capable of conducting electricity. An electrolyte may
be in the form of either a liquid or a paste [1].
ELECTROMAGNETAn electrically excited magnet capable of exerting mechanical force or of
performing mechanical work [1].
ELECTROMAGNETICThe term describing the relationship between electricity and magnetism. A
quality that combines both magnetic and electric properties [1].
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDThe combination of an electric (E) field and a magnetic (H) field [10].
ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTIONThe production of a voltage in a coil because of a change in the
number of magnetic lines of force (flux linkages) passing through the coil [1] [2].
ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCEMan-made or natural interference that degrades the quality
of reception of radio waves [10] [17].
ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONThe radiation of radio waves into space [10].
ELECTROMAGNETISMThe generation of a magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor [2]
ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE (emf)The force (voltage) that produces an electric current in a circuit [2].
ELECTRONThe elementary negative charge that revolves around the nucleus of an atom [1].
ELECTRON GUNAn electrode of a CRT that is equivalent to the cathode and control grid of
conventional tubes. The electron gun produces a highly concentrated stream of electrons [6].
ELECTRON ORBITAL MOVEMENTThe movement of an electron around the nucleus of an atom
ELECTRON SHELLA group of electrons which have a common energy level that forms part of the
outer structure (shell) of an atom [1].