EMITTER-INJECTION MODULATORThe transistor equivalent of the cathode modulator. The gain
is varied by changing the voltage on the emitter [12].
ENAMELA synthetic compound of cellulose acetate (wood pulp and magnesium). Used to insulate wire
in meters, relays, and motor windings [4].
ENCAPSULATEDImbedded in solid material or enclosed in glass or metal [14].
END-FEED METHODA method in which one end of an antenna is connected through a capacitor to the
final output stage of a transmitter [10].
END-FIRE ARRAYAn array in which the direction of radiation is parallel to the axis of the array [10].
ENERGYThe ability or capacity to do work [1].
EPHEMERISA table showing the precalculated position of a satellite at any given time [17].
Ep-Ip CURVEThe characteristic curve of an electron tube used to graphically depict the relationship
between plate voltage (Ep) and plate current (Ip) [6].
EPITAXIAL PROCESSA method of depositing a thin, uniformly doped crystalline region (layer) on a
substrate [14].
EQUATORIAL ORBITAn orbit that occurs when the plane of a satellite coincides with the plane of the
earth at the equator [17].
EQUIVALENT RESISTANCE (Req)A resistance that represents the total ohmic values of a circuit
component or group of circuit components. Usually drawn as a single resistor in a simplified circuit [1].
ERECTING (A GYRO)The positioning of a gyro into a desired position and the maintaining of that
position [15].
ERROR DETECTORThe component in a servosystem that determines when the load has deviated from
its ordered position, velocity, and so forth [15].
ERROR REDUCERThe name commonly given to the servomotor in a servosystem. So named because
it reduces the error signal by providing feedback to the error detector [15].
ERROR SIGNAL(1) In servosystems, the signal whose amplitude and polarity or phase are used to
correct the alignment between the controlling and the controlled elements. (2) The name given to the
electrical output of a control transformer [15].
E-TRANSFORMERA special form of differential transformer employing an E-shaped core. The
secondaries of the transformer are wound on the outer legs of the E, and the primary is wound on the
center leg. An output voltage is developed across the secondary coils when its armature is displaced
from its neutral position. This device is used as an error detector in servosystems that have limited load
movements [15].
E-TYPE T-JUNCTIONA waveguide junction in which the junction arm extends from the main
waveguide in the same direction as the E-field in the waveguide [11].
EUTECTIC ALLOYAn alloy that changes directly from a solid to a liquid with no plastic or semiliquid
state [14].