BUILT-IN TEST EQUIPMENT (BITE)A permanently mounted device that is used expressly for
testing an equipment or system [14].
BUNCHER CAVITYThe input resonant cavity in a conventional klystron oscillator [11].
BUNCHER GRIDIn a velocity-modulated tube, the grid that concentrates the electrons in the electron
beam into bunches [11].
BURNISHING TOOLA tool used to clean and polish contacts on a relay [3].
BUS BARA heavy copper strap or bar used to connect several circuits together when a large current-
carrying capacity is required [4].
BYPASS CAPACITORA capacitor used to transfer unwanted signals out of a circuit; for example,
coupling an unwanted signal to ground. Also called a DECOUPLING CAPACITOR [8].
CABLEEither a stranded conductor (single-conductor cable) or a combination of conductors insulated
from one another (multiple conductor cable). Small sizes are commonly referred to as stranded wire or
as cords [4].
CABLE HARNESSA group of wires or ribbons of wiring used to interconnect electronic systems and
subsystems [14].
CAPACITANCEThe property of an electrical circuit that opposes changes in voltage [2].
CAPACITIVE REACTANCEThe opposition, expressed in ohms, offered to the flow of an alternating
current by capacitance. The symbol for capacitive reactance is X
[2] [9].
CAPACITORAn electrical device capable of storing electrical energy in an electrostatic field [2].
CAPACITOR FILTERThis filter is used on extremely high-voltage, low-current power supplies and
also where the ripple frequency is not critical [7].
CAPACITOR-START MOTORA type of single-phase, ac induction motor in which a starting winding
and a capacitor are placed in series to start the motor. The values of XC and R are such that the
main-winding and starting-winding currents are nearly 90 degrees apart and the starting torque is
produced as in a two-phase motor [5].
CARBON MICROPHONEA microphone in which sound waves vary the resistance of a pile of carbon
granules. May be single-button or double-button [12].
CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATIONProcedure designed to restore breathing after cardiac
arrest. Includes clearing air passages to lungs and heart massage [1].
CARRIER FREQUENCYThe frequency of an unmodulated transmitter output [12] [18].
CARRIER-CONTROLLED APPROACHA shipboard radar system used to guide aircraft to safe
landings in poor visibility conditions [18].
CARRY(1) One or more digits, produced in connection with an arithmetic operation, that is/are
forwarded to another digit place for processing there. (2) The number represented by the digit or digits
in (1) above [13].