BELThe unit that expresses the logarithmic ratio between the input and output of any given component,
circuit, or system [16].
BETAThe ratio of a change in collector current to a corresponding change in base current when the
collector voltage is constant in a common-emitter circuit [7].
BEVERAGE ANTENNAA horizontal, long-wire antenna designed for reception and transmission of
low-frequency, vertically polarized ground waves [10].
BIASDifference of potential applied to a vacuum tube or transistor to establish a reference operating level
BIAS CURRENTCurrent that flows through the base-emitter junction of a transistor and is adjusted to
set the operating point of the transistor [13].
BIDIRECTIONAL ARRAYAn array that radiates in opposite directions along the line of maximum
radiation [10].
BINARY(1) A number system that uses a base, or radix, of 2. Two digits (1 and 0) are used in the binary
system. (2) Pertaining to a characteristic that involves the selection, choice, or condition in which there
are only two possibilities. (3) A bistable multivibrator (flip-flop) is one example of a binary device [13].
BINARY CODEA method of representing two possible conditions (on or off, high or low, one or zero,
the presence of a signal or absence of a signal). Electronic circuits designed to work in such a way that
only two conditions are possible [13].
BINARY-CODEDThe state in which conditions are expressed by a series of binary digits (0's and 1's)
BINARY DIGIT(1) A character that represents one of the two digits in the number system that has a
radix of two. (2) Either of the digits 0 or 1 that may be used to represent the binary conditions of on or
off [13].
BINARY NUMBER SYSTEMA number system using two digits, symbols, or characters (usually 1 and
0) [13].
BINARY POINTThe radix point that separates powers of two and fractional powers of two in a binary
number [13].
BISTABLEA device that is capable of assuming either one of two stable states [13].
BISTABLE MULTIVIBRATORA multivibrator that has two stable states. It remains in one of the
states until a trigger is applied. It then flips to the other stable state and remains there until another
trigger is applied. Also referred to as a FLIP-FLOP [9] [13].
BLACKThe reference color of equipment that passes unclassified information. It normally refers to patch
panels [17].
BLEEDER CURRENTThe current through a bleeder resistor. In a voltage divider, bleeder current is
usually determined by the 10 percent rule of thumb [1].
BLEEDER RESISTORA resistor used to draw a fixed current [1].