BLIPSee PIP [18].
BLOCK DIAGRAMA diagram in which the major components of an equipment or a system are
represented by squares, rectangles, or other geometric figures, and the normal order of progression of a
signal or current flow is represented by lines [4].
BLOCKED-GRID KEYINGA method of keying in which the bias is varied to turn plate current on and
off [12].
BLOCKINGA condition in an amplifier, caused by overdriving one or more stages, in which the
amplifier is insensitive to small signals immediately after reception of a large signal [18].
BOLOMETERA loading device that undergoes changes in resistance as changes in dissipated power
occur [16].
BONDING WIRESFine wires connecting the bonding pads of the chip to the external leads of the
package [14].
BOOLEAN(1) Pertaining to the process used in the algebra formulated by George Boole. (2) Pertaining
to the operations of formal logic [13].
BOOLEAN ALGEBRAA system of logic dealing with on-off circuit elements associated by such
operators as the AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT functions [13].
BOUNDARY CONDITIONSThe two conditions that the E-field and H-field within a waveguide must
meet before energy will travel down the waveguide. The E-field must be perpendicular to the walls and
the H-field must be in closed loops, parallel to the walls, and perpendicular to the E-field [11].
BRANCHAn individual current path in a parallel circuit [1] [4].
BREAKIn a switch, the number of breaks refers to the number of points at which the switch opens the
circuit; for example, single break and double break [3].
BREAKDOWNThe phenomenon occurring in a reverse-biased semiconductor diode. The start of the
phenomenon is observed as a transition from a high dynamic resistance to one of substantially lower
dynamic resistance. This is done to boost the reverse current [7].
BRIGHTNESS CONTROLThe name given to the potentiometer used to vary the potential applied to the
control grid of a CRT [6].
BROADSIDE ARRAYAn array in which the direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the
plane containing the elements [10] [18].
BRUSHESSliding contacts, usually carbon, that make electrical connection to the rotating part of a motor
or generator [5].
BUFFERA voltage amplifier used between the oscillator and power amplifier [12].
BUFFER AMPLIFIERAn amplifier that isolates one circuit from another. It decreases the loading effect
on an oscillator by reducing the interaction between the load and the oscillator [9] [18].