Now that you have completed this chapter, a review of what you have learned is in order. The
following summary will refresh your memory of new terms.
DOUBLING UP is a type of two-equipment installation where one unit can be substituted for
another in the event of failure.
FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER is a frequency source of high accuracy.
DUMMY LOAD is a nonradiating device that absorbs the rf and has the impedance characteristics
of the antenna.
HELIX HOUSE is a building at a transmitter site that contains antenna loading, coupling, and
tuning circuits.
A HELIX is a large coil of wire. It acts as a coil and is used with variable inductors for impedance
matching of high-power transmitters.
TOP-HAT antennas are center-fed and capacitively loaded.
TRIATIC is a special type of monopole antenna array.
LASER is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
COHERENT refers to radiation on one frequency or nearly so.
INCOHERENT refers to radiation on a broad band of frequencies.
FIBER OPTICS are conductors or optical waveguides that readily pass light.
MTDS is an abbreviation for the marine tactical data system.
AFDS is an abbreviation for the amphibious flagship data system.
ATDS is an abbreviation for the airborne tactical data system.
ASWTDS is an abbreviation for the antisubmarine warfare tactical data system.