Military standard synchro code, 1-6
Modulators in the servo system, 2-23
crystal diode modulators, 2-23
Multi-loop servo systems, 2-30
Multispeed synchro systems, 1-42
dual-speed, 1-43
single-speed, 1-42
tri-speed, 1-45
Navy prestandard synchro code, 1-6
Open-loop control system, 2-2
Oscillating input signal, 2-15
Position sensors, 2-17
potentiometers, 2-17
Position servo loop, 2-5
Precession, gyroscopes, 3-2
Properties of gyroscopes, basic, 3-2
precession, 3-3
rigidity, 3-5
Pulse-counting accelerometer, 3-22
Rate generator (tachometer), 2-21
ac, 2-21
de, 2-23
Rate gyros, 3-15
Receiver rotation, torque synchro system, 1-24
Related devices, 4-1
IC synchros, 4-1
resolvers, 4-7
step-transmission systems, 4-4
Resolvers, 4-7
Rigidity, gyroscopes, 3-5
Rotor construction, synchros, 1-10
Schematic symbols, 1-7
Servoamplifiers, 2-26
Servos, 2-1
categories of control systems, 2-1
characteristics, 2-11
components and circuits, 2-17
operation, 2-3
Stator, construction, synchros, 1-11
Step-transmission systems, 4-4
Summing networks, 2-19
Synchro torque receiver, 1-21
Synchro torque transmitter, 1-19
Synchronizing circuits, 2-27
semiconductor-diode synchronizing
network, 2-27
Synchros, 1-1, 1-2
characteristics, 1-12
classification, 1-4
construction, 1-9
control synchro systems, 1-33
fundamentals, 1-2
multispeed synchro systems, 1-42
synchro capacitors, 1-39
theory of operation, 1-14
torque synchro system, 1-22
troubleshooting synchro systems, 1-54
zeroing, 1-46
Time lag, 2-11
error-rate damping, 2-14
friction clutch damping, 2-13
magnetic clutch, 2-13
Torque synchro system, 1-22
basic synchro system operation, 1-22
torque differential synchro systems, 1-25
Torque, synchros, 1-13
Troubleshooting synchro systems, 1-54
symptoms and causes, 1-56
synchro testers, 1-60
trouble indicators, 1-55
voltage testing, 1-60
Velocity servo loop, 2-9
Voltmeter method, zeroing synchros, 1-46