AMPLITUDEUsed to represent values of electrical current or voltage. The greater its height,
the greater the value it represents.
AMPLITUDE MODULATIONAny method of varying the amplitude of an electromagnetic
carrier frequency in accordance with the intelligence to be transmitted
ANGLE MODULATIONModulation in which the angle of a sine-wave carrier is varied by a
modulating wave.
AVERAGE POWERThe peak power value averaged over the pulse-repetition time.
BANDWIDTHThe section of the frequency spectrum that specific signals occupy.
BASE-INJECTION MODULATORSimilar to control-grid modulator. Gain of a transistor is
varied by changing the bias on its base.
BLOCKED-GRID KEYINGA method of keying in which the bias is varied to turn plate
current on and off.
BUFFERA voltage amplifier used between the oscillator and power amplifier.
CARBON MICROPHONEMicrophone in which sound waves vary the resistance of a pile of
carbon granules. May be single-button or double-button.
CARRIER FREQUENCYThe assigned transmitter frequency.
CARRIERRadio-frequency sine wave.
CATHODE KEYINGA system in which the cathode circuit is interrupted so that neither grid
current nor plate current can flow.
CATHODE MODULATORVoltage on the cathode is varied to produce the modulation
CHANNELCarrier frequency assignment usually with a fixed bandwidth.
COLLECTOR-INJECTION MODULATORTransistor equivalent of plate modulator.
Modulating voltage is applied to collector circuit.
COMMON-BASE DETECTORAn amplifying detector where detection occurs in
emitter-base junction and amplification occurs at the output of the collector junction.
COMMON-EMITTER DETECTOROften used in receivers to supply detected and
amplified output. The emitter-base junction acts as the detector.
COMPLEX WAVEA wave composed of two or more parts.
CONTINUOUS-WAVE KEYINGThe "on-off" keying of a carrier.