Reciprocity of antennas, 4-8
Reflection, atmospheric propagation, 2-11
Reflection of light, 1-30
Reflection, wave motion, 1-13
Reflections on a transmission line, 3-28
Refraction, acoustics, 1-23
Refraction, atmospheric propagation, 2-12
Refraction in the ionosphere, 2-20
angle of incidence, 2-22
density of layer, 2-21
frequency, 2-21
skip distance/skip zone, 2-24
Refraction of light, 1-30
Refraction, wave motion, 1-14
Resonance, acoustics, 1-24
Reverberation, acoustics, 1-24
Rhombic antennas, 4-42
Safety precautions, if, 4-47
Selective fading, 2-27
Sound waves, 1-17
acoustics, 1-23
characteristics, 1-19
density and velocity of transmission, 1-22
requirements for sound, 1-18
terms, 1-19
Special antennas, 4-40
Speed of light, 1-30
Standing waves on a transmission line, 3-43
Temperature inversion, 2-35
Terminating a transmission line, 3-38
Termination, 3-43
Terminology, 3-2
Transmission line theory, 3-10
Transmission losses, radio wave propagation,
freespace loss, 2-28
ground reflection loss, 2-28
Transmission mediums, types of, 3-2
Transverse waves, 1-5
Tropospheric propagation, 2-36
application of tropospheric scatter, 2-38
tropospheric scattering, 2-37
Turnstile antenna, 4-45
V antennas, 4-41
Variations in the ionosphere, 2-29
irregular variations, 2-30
regular variations, 2-29
Velocity of wave propagation, 3-24
Voltage change along a transmission line, 3-18
Wave motion, principles of, 1-2
characteristics, 1-9
in water, 1-3
longitudinal waves, 1-5
medium, 1-6
terms, 1-7
transverse waves, 1-5
Wave propagation, 1-1
electromagnetic spectrum, 1-33
electromagnetic waves, 1-33
light waves, 1-25
principles of wave motion, 1-2
sound waves, 1-17
Wavelength to frequency conversions, radio
waves, 2-8
Wavelength, wave motion, 1-8
Wavelengths and frequencies, 1-27
Weather versus propagation, 2-34
precipitation attenuation, 2-34
temperature inversion, 2-35
Working aloft, precautions, 4-49