types, 2-6 to 2-8
Glossary, AI-1 to AI-3
Hook-on type voltameter, 1-47
Hot-wire and thermocouple meter movements,
1-15, 1-16
In-circuit meters, 1-4
Indicating alternating current, 1-13
Laws of exponents, AII-1, AII-2
Maintenance and replacement of switches, 3-15
to 3-18
checking switches, 3-15 to 3-18
preventive maintenance of switches, 3-18
replacement of switches, 3-17, 3-18
Manual switches, 3-5
Megohmmeter, 1-38 to 1-40
safety precautions, 1-39
using, 1-39
Meter movements, basic, 1-4 to 1-16
compass and alternating current, 1-10,
compass and conducting wire, 1-4 to 1-6
damping, 1-12, 1-13
electrodynamic meter movement, 1-13
hot-wire and thermocouple meter
movements, 1-15, 1-16
indicating alternating current, 1-13
moving-vane meter movements, 1-14
permanent-magnet moving-coil 1-6 to 1-10
rectifier for ac measurement, 1-11, 1-12
Military designation, fuses, 2-10 to 2-12
new, 2-11, 2-12
old, 2-10, 2-11
Moving-disk frequency meter, 1-52, 1-53
Moving-vane meter movements, 1-14
Multicontact switches, 3-5 to 3-7
Multimeter, 1-40 to 1-48
function switches, 1-41
multimeter safety precautions, 1-46, 1-47
parallax error, 1-43 to 1-46
scales, 1-41 to 1-43
Ohmmeters, 1-33 to 1-41
ranges, 1-34 to 1-36
safety precautions, 1-37, 1-38
shunt ohmmeter, 1-36, 1-37
using, 1-33, 1-34
Out-of-circuit meters, 1-4
Permanent-magnet moving-coil movement, 1-6
to 1-10
Plug-type fuses, 2-6
Ratings, fuse, 2-8 to 2-10
current rating, 2-8
time delay rating, 2-8
voltage rating, 2-8
Rating, switch, 3-15
current rating, 3-15
voltage rating, 3-15
Rectifier for ac measurement, 1-11, 1-12
Relays, 3-22 to 3-30
Replacement and maintenance of switches,
3-15 to 3-18
Replacement of fuses, 2-17 to 2-19
Schematic symbols, AIII-1 to AIII-10
Shunt ohmmeter, 1-36, 1-37
Solenoids, 3-19 to 3-22
Switch types, 3-4 to 3-16
automatic, 3-5
manual, 3-5
multicontact, 3-5 to 3-7