3-14marked C, NO, and NC. These letters stand for common, normally open, and normally closed. Thecommon terminal is connected to the normally closed terminal until the plunger is depressed. When theplunger is depressed, the spring will "snap" into the momentary position and the common terminal will beconnected to the normally open terminal. As soon as the plunger is released, the spring will "snap" backto the original condition.This basic accurate snap-acting switch is used in many applications as an automatic switch. Severaldifferent methods are used to actuate this type of switch. Some of the more common actuators and theiruses are shown in figure 3-14.Figure 3-14.—Common actuators and their uses for accurate snap-acting switches.Q10.What classification of a switch is used when you describe it as a rocker switch?Q11.In describing a switch by the number of positions of the actuator, what are the two possibleconfigurations for a single-pole, double-throw switch?Q12.What type of switch should be used to control a circuit that requires a temporary actuationsignal?Q13.What type of switch is used if it is necessary to guard against a circuit being accidentally turnedon or off?Q14.What is the common name used for an accurate snap-acting switch?
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