2-64. The detector in a radar receiver converts
the IF pulses into what form?
1. Video pulses
2. Square waves
3. Dc voltage levels
4. Continuous-wave signals
2-65. Agc automatically adjusts the gain of the
receiver by controlling which of the
following quantities?
1. Detector bias
2. IF amplifier bias
3. Mixer output signal level
4. Video amplifier output signal level
2-66. A radar receiver uses iagc for which of
the following purposes?
1. To reduce the amplitude of echoes
from distant targets
2. To prevent full amplification of
strong signals
3. To permit full amplification of weak
4. Both 2 and 3 above
2-67. In a radar receiver, which of the
following purposes is served by using
1. Prevents full amplification of echoes
from nearby targets
2. Permits full amplification of echoes
from distant targets
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Prevents target echoes within a
selected range from being received
2-68. In the input of the first video amplifier of
a radar receiver, the differentiator circuit
performs which of the following
1. Ftc
2. Gagc
3. Afc
4. Iagc
2-69. The primary function of the mti system is
to display which of the following types
of targets?
1. Moving targets only
2. Motionless targets only
3. Moving and motionless targets
during each sweep
4. Moving and motionless targets
during alternate sweeps
2-70. Delaying the received signals in the mti
system permits them to be combined
with the next set of received signals so
that only desired signals are displayed.
The signals displayed are formed by
which of the following methods?
1. Division
2. Addition
3. Subtraction
4. Multiplication
2-71. In the mti system, what is the purpose of
the coho lock pulse?
1. To synchronize the coho and
transmitted frequency phase
2. To control the transmitter pulse-
repetition frequency
3. To synchronize the phase of the
timing circuits with the phase
4. To control the polarity of the
coherent video
2-72. The amplitude of coherent video is
determined by the phase difference
between which of the following signals?
1. Coho reference and transmitted pulse
2. Coho reference and coho lock pulse
3. Coho reference and IF echo
4. IF echo and received echo