A5. The master oscillator.
A6. Leakage from the duplexer.
A7. Sine-wave oscillator, single-swing blocking oscillator, and master-trigger (astable) multivibrator.
A8. It requires additional shaping circuits.
A9. Blocking oscillators.
A10. Keyed oscillator and power-amplifier chain.
A11. The modulator.
A12. Steep leading and trailing edges.
A13. Line-pulsed.
A14. Capacitor, artificial transmission line, or pulse-forming network.
A15. Pulse width.
A16. Thyratron.
A17. The charging impedance.
A18. 600-30,000 megahertz.
A19. Mode skipping and mode shifting.
A20. The magnetron will not oscillate.
A21. 5 percent.
A22. Frequency stability.
A23. Local oscillator and coherent oscillator.
A24. Multicavity klystron.
A25. Frequency synthesizer.
A26. Oscillations at an undesired frequency.
A27. Electronic.
A28. Tr tube.
A29. Apply keep-alive voltage.
A30. Quarter-wavelength section.
A31. Transmit.
A32. Neither fires.
A33. 180 degrees out of phase.