A PERFORATOR is a device that stores a teletypewriter message on a paper tape by punching
Baudot coded messages into it.
TRANSMITTER DISTRIBUTOR is a device that reads Baudot code from paper tape and allows a
message to be sent or a message to be printed on a page printer.
A REPERFORATOR stores an incoming tty signal on paper tape.
A PAGE PRINTER prints teletypewriter characters one at a time in a full-page format. This is
usually a high-speed printer.
RED is the reference color of equipment that passes classified information. It normally refers to
patch panels.
BLACK is the reference color of equipment that passes unclassified information. It normally refers
to patch panels.
A PATCH PANEL is used to tie a receiver or transmitter to its associated equipment.
A COMPARATOR compares incoming signals and selects the strongest to be fed to a
teletypewriter through a patch panel. This is used in diversity operation
A LISSAJOUS PATTERN is a combined, simultaneous display of the amplitude and phase
relationships of two input signals on a crt.
A TONE-TERMINAL set converts tty dc pulses into audio tones for modulation of a transmitter in
audio-frequency tone shift transmissions.
MULTIPLEXING is the process of transmitting a number of intelligence signals simultaneously
over a single rf carrier.
TIME-DIVISION multiplexing is the process that periodically samples several intelligence signals.
This can be a received signal or one to be transmitted.
FREQUENCY-DIVISION multiplexing transmits and receives the full 360 degrees of each sine
FACSIMILE is the method for transmitting and receiving still images. These images can be maps,
photographs, and handwritten or printed text.
SCANNING is the process of subdividing a picture in an orderly manner into segments. This is used
in facsimile transmission.
FRAMING is the process of synchronizing a facsimile receiver to a transmitter. This allows proper
picture reproduction.
TEMPEST is a term normally used to describe compromising emanations. These emanations are
unintentionally radiated signals that could disclose classified information.
ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE is a term used to describe the degradation of a
receiver or system by externally produced rf energy.