Radio Transmitting Set
The applications, configurations, and components you will become familiar with here are typical of
most general purpose transmitter systems used in the Navy. A specific transmitter is used only for ease of
illustration and example.
We will be discussing a 1,000 watt, single-sideband radio transmitting set that is available to the
Navy in any one of four setups. The normal configuration has a transmitter capable of voice, continuous
wave, and radio teletypewriter transmissions in the 2- to 30-megahertz frequency range. Exact spacing
and number of channels available within the frequency spectrum, modes of operation, and frequency
range depend on the model of equipment and how it is configured for use. Stack or rack mounting is used
in a ship or shore permanent installation with accessory equipment (for example an rf amplifier, coupler
control unit, or power supply) to form a complete communications system. One of three different three-
phase primary power sources can be used (depending on whether the transmitter is land, air, or shore
based) to provide operating power to the set. Combinations available are 115 volts, 400 hertz; or 208/440
volts, 60 hertz.
General Description
Figure 3-5 shows the major units of this set. They are the radio transmitter, the radio frequency
amplifier, the power supply, and the electrical equipment shock mount base. An antenna coupler group
(consisting of a coupler and coupler control unit) is normally used to match the impedance of the system
to a 50-ohm transmission line. If you want to operate with any 50-ohm antenna system, terminating
connections are available.
Figure 3-5.Radio transmitting set.