RECEPTIONThe instant when an electromagnetic wave passes through a receiver antenna and
induces a voltage in that antenna.
REDThe reference color of equipment that passes classified information. It normally refers to patch
REPEATERAnother name for an active satellite.
REPERFORATOREquipment that converts the incoming tty signal and stores it on paper tape.
REPRODUCTIONThe process of converting electrical signals to sound waves. This sound is speech,
music, and so on.
REVERSE AGCThe type of agc that causes an amplifier to be driven toward cut-off.
RUNNING OPENThe teletypewriter condition where the type hammer constantly strikes the type box
but does not print or move across the page.
SATELLITE ECLIPSEAn eclipse where the rays of the sun don't reach the satellite. This prevents
recharging of the solar cells of the satellite and decreases the power to the transmitter.
SATELLITE-SUN CONJUNCTIONA period when the satellite and sun are close together and the
noise from the sun prevents or hampers communications.
SCANNINGThe process of subdividing a picture in an orderly manner into segments. This is used in
facsimile transmission.
SELECTIVITYThe ability of a receiver to select the desired signal and reject unwanted signals.
SENSITIVITYThe ability of a receiver to reproduce very weak signals. The greater the receiver
sensitivity, the weaker the signal that will be reproduced.
SETA unit or units and the assemblies, subassemblies, and parts connected or associated together to
perform a specific function.
SPACINGThe condition in teletypewriter operation where a circuit is open and no current flows.
SQUELCHA circuit that cuts off the output of a receiver when there is no input.
STARTThe first unit of a teletypewriter signal. It is always a space.
STOPThe last unit of a teletypewriter signal. It is always a mark.
SUBASSEMBLYConsists of two or more parts that form a portion of an assembly or a unit.
SUBHARMONICAn exact submultiple of the fundamental frequency. Even subharmonics are one-
half, one-quarter, and so on. Odd subharmonics are one-third, one-fifth, and so on of the fundamental
SUPERHIGH FREQUENCYThe band of frequencies from 3 gigahertz to 30 gigahertz.
SUPPRESSIONThe process of eliminating an undesired portion of a signal.
SYNCHRONOUSA type of teletypewriter operation where both transmitter and receiver operate