3-35. The medium 1 range on the Tracker 2000
is designed to test resistance values
between what (a) minimum and (b)
maximum values?
1. (a) 5 ohms
(b) 1 kilohm
2. (a) 50 ohms
(b) 10 kilohms
3. (a) 500 ohms
(b) 100 kilohms
4. (a) 50 kilohms
(b) 10 megohms
3-36. What is the principal use of the
1. To measure microwave energy
2. To visually examine waveforms
3. To measure in-line power supply
4. To locate sources of radio
3-37. Cathode-ray tubes used in oscilloscopes
contain which of the following
1. An electron gun
2. A deflection system
3. A fluorescent screen
4. All of the above
3-38. In a basic oscilloscope, what is the
purpose of the deflection system?
1. To filter harmonic frequencies
2. To deflect harmonic frequencies
3. To position the beam on the screen
4. To deflect synchronous side effects
3-39. If the electron beam is left in one
position on the CRT for long periods,
damage is likely to occur to what
1. Illuminating coating
2. Deflection plates
3. Signal generator
4. Electron gun
3-40. Of the following factors, which one(s)
control(s) the angle of deflection of the
electron beam in the CRT?
1. Difference of potential between plates
2. Length of deflection field
3. Beam acceleration
4. All of the above
3-41. In an oscilloscope, which of the
following waveform characteristics are
represented by (a) vertical deflection and
(b) horizontal deflection?
1. (a) Amplitude
(b) frequency
2. (a) Power
(b) amplitude
3. (a) Power
(b) frequency
4. (a) Time
(b) amplitude
3-42. In oscilloscopes using electrostatic
CRTs, what type of signal is used to
produce horizontal beam movement?
1. Dc
2. Sine wave
3. Square wave
4. Sawtooth wave
3-43. The length of time the phosphor coating
on the CRT remains bright after the
electron beam is removed depends on
which of the following characteristics?
1. Persistence of the coating
2. Amplitude of the applied signal
3. Frequency of the applied signal
4. Synchronization frequency of the
3-44. An oscilloscope that can display two
vertical input signals at the same time is
said to be what type?
1. Two-function
2. Dual-trace
3. Single-function
4. Single-trace