PULSE-REPETITION FREQUENCY (prf) is found by dividing the pulse repetition time into 1.
This defines how often the groups of pulses occur.
PULSE WIDTH (pw) or PULSE DURATION (pd) is the time that a pulse is occurring.
REST TIME (rt) is the time referred to as nonpulse time.
PEAK POWER is the maximum power during a pulse.
AVERAGE POWER equals the peak power averaged over one complete cycle.
DUTY CYCLE is the ratio of working time to total time, or the ratio of actual transmit time to
transmit time plus rest time, for intermittently operated devices.
The SPARK-GAP MODULATOR consists of a circuit for storing energy, a circuit for rapidly
discharging the storage circuit, a pulse transformer, and a power source.
The THYRATRON MODULATOR is an electronic switch which requires a positive trigger of
only 150 volts. The trigger must rise at the rate of 100 volts per microsecond to fire or cause the
modulator to conduct.