COPPER LOSSES can result from power (I
2R) loss, in the form of heat, or skin effect. These
losses decrease the conductivity of a line.
DIELECTRIC LOSSES are caused by the heating of the dielectric material between conductors,
taking power from the source.
RADIATION and INDUCTION LOSSES are caused by part of the electromagnetic fields of a
conductor being dissipated into space or nearby objects.
A transmission line is either electrically LONG or SHORT LI LWV SK\VLFDO OHQJWK LV QRW HTXDO WR
for the frequency it is to carry.
LUMPED CONSTANTS are theoretical properties (inductance, resistance, and capacitance) of a
transmission line that are lumped into a single component.
DISTRIBUTED CONSTANTS are constants of inductance, capacitance and resistance that are
distributed along the transmission line.