1-38. Which of the following units of
measurement is/are used to measure very
short wavelengths of light?
1. Angstrom (
2. Millimicron
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Millimeter
1-39. What are the primary colors of light?
1. Red, blue, and yellow
2. Red, blue, and green
3. Red, violet, and indigo
4. Blue, green, and violet
1-40. What are the secondary colors of light?
1. Orange, yellow, and blue-green
2. Magenta, yellow, and cyan
3. Purple, yellow, and black
4. Red, white, and blue
1-41. What causes sunlight to separate into
different wavelengths and display a
rainbow of colors when passed through a
1. Refraction
2. Reflection
3. Dispersion
4. Diffraction
1-42. The sun, gas flames, and electric light
filaments are visible because they are
1. opaque
2. transparent
3. nonluminous
4. self-luminous
1-43. Substances that transmit almost all of the
light waves falling upon them possess
which of the following properties?
1. Opaqueness
2. Transparence
3. Translucence
4. Self-lumination
1-44. Some substances are able to transmit
light waves but objects cannot be seen
through them. Which of the following
properties does this statement describe?
1. Opaqueness
2. Transparence
3. Translucence
4. Self-lumination
1-45. The speed of light depends on the
medium through which light travels. For
which of the following reasons does light
travel through empty space faster than
through an object such as glass?
1. Space is less dense than glass
2. Space is more dense than glass
3. Glass reflects the light back to the
4. Glass refracts the light, causing the
light to travel in all directions
1-46. If a light wave strikes a sheet of glass at a
perpendicular angle, what is the effect, if
any, on the light wave?
1. The wave is completely absorbed
2. The wave is reflected back toward the
3. The wave is refracted as it passes
through the glass
4. The wave is unchanged and continues
in a straight line
1-47. The amount of absorption of the light
that strikes an object is determined by the
1. color
2. purity
3. density
4. complexity