3-15. In the construction of the tunnel diode,
what is the ratio of impurity atoms to
semiconductor atoms?
1. 10,000,000: 1000
2. 1,000:10,000,000
3. 10,000: 100,000
4. 100,000: 10,000
Figure 3B.
Tunnel diode characteristic curve.
3-16. What is/are the most important aspects(s)
of the tunnel diode characteristic curve?
1. The forward-current increase to a peak
with small applied forward bias
2. The decreasing forward current with
an increasing forward bias to a
minimum valley current (IV)
3. The normal increasing forward current
with further increase in the bias
4. All of the above
3-17. What portion of the characteristic curve is
the region of negative resistance?
1. From point 1 to point 2
2. From point 2 to point 3
3. From point 3 to point 4
4. From point 4 to point 5
3-18. At what area on the characteristic curve
does the tunnel diode perform like a
normal PN junction?
1. From point 0 to point 1
2. From point 1 to point 2
3. From point 2 to point 3
4. From point 3 to point 4
3-19. The varactor operates like which of the
following electronic components?
1. A capacitor
2. An inductor
3. A variable capacitor
4. A variable inductor
3-20. An increase in reverse bias of a varactor
will have what effect on the width of the
depletion region?
1. It will stabilize
2. It will fluctuate
3. It will decrease
4. It will increase
3-21. What happens to the capacitance of a
varactor diode as the reverse bias is
1. It decreases
2. It increases
3. It remains the same
3-22. In electronic circuits, how is the varactor
1. As a tuning device
2. As a balancing device
3. As an amplifier
4. As a rectifier
3-23. What is/are the basic purpose(s) of the
silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)?
1. To function as a switch
2. To function as a regulator
3. To function as a rectifier
4. All of the above